Friday, July 12, 2013

S1 E18 – Masquerade

Sydney climbed to the top of Mt. Subasio, and saw the sky, and then called and turned herself in.  While she was there, Jack did an investigation of his own into her mother and found out that the CIA knew that she did not die in the accident, and that Sloane was part of the team that researched her death and realized that she was alive.

Sydney and Vaughn meet up at what appears to be an unusual time, because Vaughn is dressed awfully casually; jeans, white t-shirt, and a leather jacket.  She tells him about a memory that she has of her father taking care of her during a camping trip, but then goes on to tell him about how upset he got when she told him that she wanted to find her mother.  Vaughn tells her that he doesn’t exactly have a neutral point of view when it comes to her mother, and that her dad may have a point.  She requests him to get any information that the CIA has on her mother.  Vaughn tells her that she is unable to do it, because it’s all been classified.  He tells her that he knows she wants help, but he is unable to provide it this time.   He is a bit conflicted here, he always wants to help her, but he knows he can’t do anything here, and since it has to do with the person that killed his father, and he doesn’t want that person found.  I can’t imagine the strain that knowing that her mother killed his father must put on him, as well as the guilt Sydney must feel.

While on her mission in Vienna, the contact that they are supposed to meet up with turns out to be an old boyfriend of Sydney’s from five years ago, Noah Hicks.  I should probably tell you know that I am not a fan of this episode, but I know that it is needed, so I will stay brief.  I do like however that Dixon tells her to use caution with him.

When Sydney and Vaughn meet for her debrief, they have the usual small talk about the mission, but then he asks about Noah Hicks stating that she mentioned him in her initial report to the CIA.  She told him that they met while she was in training.  She hesitates for a moment and then tells Vaughn that they used to date.  Vaughn didn’t look too happy to hear that news.  She went on to tell him that they kept it under wraps since SD-6 didn’t allow dating in the workplace.  He smiles a little when he tells her that the CIA isn’t overly fond of it either. 

Okay, so I guess since it does move Sydney to the spot that she needs to be at for Vaughn, I guess I do have to go into this next part, but please know now that I’m not a fan of the following scene.  Sydney and Noah went on a mission together, during the mission Sydney got into a little trouble and her mask broke in a room that if your skin is exposed to, would freeze you immediately.  Noah saved her and they went to the safe house.  She was still freezing after the mission, but they couldn’t generate any heat, they didn’t want anyone to find their heat signature with the thermal satellites.  So he gives her his jacket, they chat a little including telling him about her mother and how heartbroken she was after he left.  She walks over to him and he goes to kiss her, she isn’t sure if she is ready, but finally allows it, and then one thing leads to another, and Sydney is officially ready to move on from Danny.

Even though I don’t like Noah, he did have a really great line that I have to share.  “You were the last person that I ever wanted to see again, and you were the only person that I ever wanted to see again.”  I like that line because I think it resonates so accurately with any broken relationship.  

  • Items that I found noteworthy… 
    • Jack gets very upset at the idea of Sydney wanting to find her mother. 
    • When Vaughn is unable to get her the information she wants, she turns to Sloane and tells him that SD-6 puts her at risk every week, it’s time for SD-6 to risk something for her.  Later Sloane tells her that Khasinau was her mother’s superior. 
    •  It has been six months since she found out the truth about SD-6 and went to the CIA, so she has known Vaughn for 6 months, and it has been approximately 9 months since Danny died. 
    • Francie finds a plane ticket to Italy in Sydney’s jacket, Sydney had told her and Will that she was going to San Francisco last week.  They wonder why she wouldn’t have told them about a trip to Italy. 
    • Sydney reports Jack erratic behavior to Devlin who mandates that he sees Dr. Barnett, she sees thru his façade and doesn’t accept his answers, so she says that they will meet every week.



  1. I actually like the introduction of this Noah guy ... Vaughn needs to know that whilst he has an on and off relationship with Alice, Sydney needs an actual boyfriend she can be seen in daylight with (though hmm would she be able to do that with Noah?).

    And you're right Ann, Vaughn cannot be her first relationship after Danny because she would never be sure if it was a rebound thing.

    But I think it's sweet that Noah loves her so much. Their conversations are pretty toe curling too - the chemistry between them is really strong. There was no way he knew Sydney was behind the screen when he said that he left because he was in love and how much he loves her! That even under threat, he refuses to name Sydney as his love interest because he didn't want to get Sydney into trouble.

    I bring this up because she must appreciate a guy openly admitting to loving her because all Vaughn does for now is give her great smiles and longing looks.

    The chemistry is tangible and he also gets up when she enters a room - she's fortunate to fall for such nice gentlemen! Watching them work together and laugh together is not something we see her do with Vaughn per se.

    And she is able to have these deep and real conversations with Noah about how she feels being a spy. Their relationship is not shallow. (and he looks as good as Vaughn in a suit though not as handsome of course hee hee)

    And then when she meets up with Vaughn, he specifically asks her about Noah Hicks - yeah there did not seem to be any operational importance in asking that question so it is almost as if he suspected that Sydney had been romantically involved with Noah in the past.

    So Sydney tells him that they dated ... whoa ... you can really see how unhappy he is with this news. He does his characteristic look down when he has to hear or give news that is horrible to him.

    Funny he draws a parallel between SD6 and the CIA in that they both don't like their agents dating but wake up Vaughn, Noah and Sydney dated anyway ... er get a move on and make your move with her ... hahaha I wish!

    1. I wish Vaughn could see Sydney and Noah together….it would make him crazy to see their chemistry

  2. have to wonder if Sydney had a really deep relationship with Noah - the kind we don't really get to see her having with Vaughn because she dies and then he dies (spoilers!). Noticed he called her 'Syd' and 'baby' whilst they were on mission. I would have loved for Vaughn to have heard all that!

    And he didn't hesitate carrying her to rescue her and to put his arm very protectively around her waist. And then she says she is cold and he puts her jacket around her and then goes to sit some way away so she doesn't feel pressurised by being alone with him.

    The line that you quoted Ann about the only person he wanted to see ... wow that really got her (and me!) ... wonder why she paused before kissing him ... was she thinking about Vaughn?

    I love that when she walked towards Noah, that he took her into his arms straight away. There were many times when Sydney was so close to Vaughn that he should have taken her into his arms.

    oh well ...

  3. honestly, we see her show far more bare flesh with Noah than we ever see when she is with Vaughn ... so sad ...

  4. Remember “me too”? Syd and Vaughn aren’t just colleagues who want to date. As her handler he can’t allow himself to have a sexual, physical relationship with Sydney…..not appropriate. She knows it too.

  5. Don’t get me wrong I adore Vaughn but I really like the 2 episode arc with Noah Hicks. He’s confident, charming, forthright and competent. I know Vaughn can’t always say what he’s thinking but I like that Noah does. He’s very protective of Sydney as well. Loved the scene where they are working together in the office…..just so natural and at ease with each other. Not as handsome as Vaughn but very appealing. At this point I think Sydney would love to run away with him.

  6. Noah really knows how to talk to Sydney. For example when she is still mad at him on the plane. Noah doesn’t beat around the bush…refreshing after Vaughn’s reticence. I get why Vaughn can’t say how he feels but it’s frustrating for everyone.
